MK Law

Dangerous Driving

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  • Careless Driving
  • Drink Driving
  • Dangerous Driving
  • Driver Duty Failures at Accidents
  • Driving whilst Disqualified
  • Driving whilst Suspended
  • Unlicenced Driving
  • Improper Use of Motor Vehicles
  • Failing to Nominate Driver of Vehicle
  • Appeals of Immediate Licence Suspensions
  • Impoundment of Motor Vehicles

What happens if you have been charged with Driving Dangerously?

Dangerous driving can sometimes be charged in combination to the alternative charge of careless driving for the same fact pattern of alleged offending. Dangerous driving is a more serious charge.

Elements of the Offence

The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. The offence occurred at the time and place alleged
  2. The accused was the driver of the vehicle
  3. The accused drove at a speed or manner that was dangerous to the public in all the circumstances


Upon a finding of guilt, a person may face up to 240 penalty units, a mandatory licence loss of 12 months minimum and up to two years imprisonment.

Am I Facing Licence Suspension if Found Guilty?

Dangerous driving carries with it a mandatory minimum 12 month licence suspension

What Happens Next?

Michael Kuzilny

Whilst the legislation provides a mandatory minimum 12 months licence suspension upon a finding of guilt, one must remember that this is the statutory minimum period with higher licence loss periods possible in consideration of any aggravating features including an accused person’s driving record. The offence of Dangerous Driving is serious, and the Courts look unfavourably on this type of offending due to the risk an alleged offender posed on other road users.

As such, we highly recommend contacting our office today to discuss your matter with our experienced criminal Lawyers to ensure we get you the best possible outcome with minimum licence loss. In some cases, the facts of your case may lean towards the lesser charge of careless driving which places a discretion on the Court as to whether they suspend your licence

Michael Kuzilny

Contact Us for Dangerous Driving Charges

At MK Law Firm, we specialize in providing expert legal assistance for dangerous driving cases in Melbourne. Our experienced team of lawyers understands the complexities and nuances of traffic law, ensuring that you receive the best possible representation. Whether you’re facing charges of reckless driving, speeding, or any other form of dangerous driving, we are here to help you navigate the legal process with confidence and ease.

Our commitment to our clients is unwavering. We offer personalized legal strategies tailored to your unique situation, aiming to achieve the most favorable outcome. From the initial consultation to the resolution of your case, our lawyers will provide you with clear, honest, and professional advice. We understand the stress and uncertainty that comes with facing legal issues, which is why we are dedicated to being with you every step of the way.

To get in touch with MK Law Firm, simply fill out our contact form or or reach MK Law Firm by phone at 1800 130 120. We also provide a 24/7 Free Legal Advice to ensure that you always have access to critical legal advice when you need it the most. Provide us with a few details about your case, and one of our experienced dangerous driving lawyers will reach out to you promptly.

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  • I recently used the services of Gabrielle Yozefovich of MK Law firm. Gabrielle gave exceptional legal representation and support during this tryi... Read More

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